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Étude de l'OTAN: Assad en train de gagner la guerre et 70% des Syriens le soutiennent

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  • #31
    La syrie restera debout , le peuple vaincra les zombies -wahhabites des monarchies maudit par Dieu !!!


    tu ne peux convaincre les esprits colonisés ou les esprits de l Ouest ...essaye de les convaincre par le Baroudi ..
    Lorsque ça touche leur monarchie , tu constateras le changement brusque de ton...?
    Déjà remarqué , un ami marocain s était aventuré dans des sujets qui touchent la monarchie chérifienne ou le Bahreïn , revirement totale de ton ...?
    A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


    • #32
      Relayé par l'Otan c'est pareil y a aucune indication
      non c'est relayed to Nato! Prends un dic online!

      the data came from a range of activists and independent organizations that
      were working in Syria
      , particularly in relief efforts.


      • #33
        Lol ouais y a que dalle quoi aucun nom de journal, de médias, ou d'instituts, moi aussi je peux pondre des sondages alors


        • #34
          ouais y a que dalle quoi aucun nom de journal, de médias, ou d'instituts, moi aussi je peux pondre des sondages alors
          tu t'es dit que ces organisations sont peut être encore actives sur le terrain et la divulgations de leurs noms serait irresponsable de la part du Journal !

          Une seconde de reflexion et tu ns epargnerait une question inutile, tu ne trouves pas?

          Sinon, tu ns dis pas pourquoi tu trouves la publication de cette étude étonnante?


          • #35
            Enfonce toi vas y, comment l'Otan qui est censée être anti Assad pourrait publier une étude dont tu es incapable de retrouver la source pour faire de la pub au régime d'Assad en publiant publiquement ce machin ? Toi tu gobes pas moi. C'est déjà dur pour un journaliste d'aller sur le terrain sous les bombes et y aurait des gens pour avoir le temps de faire un sondage représentatif mdrrrrrrr


            • #36
              @ @Memelius
              Tu le veuilles ou non , le peuple syrien vaincra le terrorisme n oubliera jamais les monarchies -maudit ..
              L OTAN l avait compris ....
              Boston et Benghazi avaient fait ouvrir les esprits des amerloques sur le terrorisme transfrontalier
              A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


              • #37
                Mimelius, je ne suis pas l'auteur de l'article, je comprends que tu n'arrives pas á avaler votre défaite confirmée par un organe américain, vas te plaindre auprés de "Worldtribune" tes lamentations seraient mieux traitées, pas ici!


                • #38
                  Worldtribune basé à Washington ? T'es un guignol


                  • #39
                    Worldtribune basé à Washington
                    á Londre ou á Washignton, peu importe, mais surement pas á Teheran ou Damas!

                    Tu vois combien tu nes ridicule avec tes interventions


                    • #40
                      Le fait est que si l'armée syrienne était à la débandade, le pays se serait effondré, Bachar mené au peloton d’exécution comme Ceausescuen son temps, ou pire, massacré comme Kadhafi...Rien de tout cela encore, donc l'armée résiste et il n'y a pas besoin d'une source soit sur le Mont Olympe pour être lu...


                      • #41
                        le peuple syrien vaincra le terrorisme
                        exact..c'est pour cela que Assad..tombera..un jour ou l'autre..

                        il terrorise les syriens..depuis trop longtemp..


                        • #42
                          Bon alors ils ont où les soutiens du front el Nosra ? Belcourt &Co ?
                          شبابنا ساهي متزنك في المقاهي مبنك


                          • #43
                            Bon alors ils ont où les soutiens du front el Nosra ? Belcourt &Co ?
                            Ils ont surement une indigestion, le cannibalisme cela doit rendre malade


                            • #44
                              Source : ‘World’ lol lol ^^

                              Citation :

                              THIS JUST IN DEPT.
                              FIT TO PRINT?

                              by Ben McGrath
                              September 8, 2003

                              Aficionados of the Drudge Report may have noticed several striking headlines recently linking to stories from the World Tribune, an enterprise with a title as grand and ambitious as it is unfamiliar. One such story last week began, “U.S. intelligence suspects Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction have finally been located.” The apparent scoop—of stop-the-presses significance—was unsigned, and billed as a “special to World” The Times, the Journal, and the Washington Post, meanwhile, not only got beat but failed even to acknowledge the news in the days that followed. What gives?

                              Not everyone ignored it: Rush Limbaugh, for instance. “There’s a piece in the World Tribune today—one of the papers in the United Kingdom—exactly as theorized on this program early on,” he said on his radio show. “It’s unconfirmed, but it’s a story that many of the weapons of mass destruction are at present buried in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon.” Fox News, catering to a similar demographic, enlisted a military analyst that evening to discuss potential ramifications—military intervention in Lebanon?—on “The O’Reilly Factor.” According to the story, the weapons were probably delivered to the Bekaa Valley, a Hezbollah stronghold, in a caravan of tractor-trailers that was spotted leaving Iraq in January, two months before the war began, as part of a multimillion- dollar storage deal between Saddam Hussein and the Syrian government.

                              In fact, the World Tribune is not published in the United Kingdom, nor is it, to be precise, a newspaper. It is a Web site produced, more or less as a hobby, in Falls Church, Virginia, and is dedicated to the notion, as its mission statement explains, that “there is a market for news of the world and not just news of the weird.” (Nonetheless, the site includes a prominent feature, Cosmic Tribune, with an extraterrestrial focus, and it links to a Mafia journal called Gang Land News.) Its editor and publisher, Robert Morton, is an assistant managing editor at the Washington Times and a former “corporate editor” for News World Communications, the Times’ owner and the publishing arm of the Unification Church, led by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. (Morton and his wife, Choon Boon, are themselves followers of the Reverend Moon.) Among the World Tribune’s other recent half-ignored scoops are that Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for last month’s blackout and that a North Korean defector stressed, during a meeting in July with White House officials, the need for a preëmptive military strike against Kim Jong Il.

                              Morton said last week via e-mail that he founded the site as an experiment, back in 1998, while serving as a media fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank. “I didn’t expect World to last for more than a few months,” Morton wrote, but now, despite having no dedicated staff (“Everyone involved with World has a day job”), the site receives more than a million page views per month. And, unlike the Washington Times, which has lost at least a billion dollars in its twenty-one-year existence, World, in concert with the subscription-driven weekly intelligence briefing (a partner site), has paid for itself.

                              The secret of its success seems to involve well-placed informants (“Over the years I have developed an informal, international network of sources and writers I can trust,” Morton said) and an emphasis on immediacy. Although Morton said, “We emphasize newspaper standards to counter the half-baked, unfiltered content on some online sites,” World more fairly qualifies as something between a newspaper and a rumor-mongering blog. Call it “blews.” In this sense, it is part of a loose network of mostly conservative sites—WorldNetDaily, Dr. Koontz’s National Security Message Board, debka File (produced by a pair of Jerusalem-based journalists thought to have moles in Israeli intelligence)—whose dispatches sometimes serve as the journalistic equivalent of trial balloons: a story may not be based on knowable facts, but it nevertheless may occasionally turn out to be right. (Much of the time, of course, it more closely resembles a Bat Boy update in the Weekly World News.)

                              Take the Lebanon story. National- security buffs may have recalled hearing similar reports as far back as late December (beginning with an accusation from Ariel Sharon), and cropping up again in the spring (via debka). The story never quite stuck, however, and as of the end of last week no major newspaper had seen fit to tell it. Bill Gertz, the Washington Times’ best-known reporter, is a columnist and contributing editor for and a member of the World Tribune advisory board. A few days after the Tribune’s Lebanon lead, Gertz allowed that he, too, had been hearing the reports for months but hadn’t written anything about it for the paper. “I’ve never been able to nail it down myself,” he said. He would presumably have encountered similar difficulties with the story, available at Cosmic Tribune, of the increase in observed U.F.O. activity as Mars neared.

                              The New Yorker

                              Dernière modification par Adama, 03 juin 2013, 17h27.


                              • #45
                                C'est quoi la relation avec le sujet Adam ?
                                شبابنا ساهي متزنك في المقاهي مبنك

