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  • #16
    Le représentant du Polisario au Danemark reçu au parlement

    Polisario Front Representative in Denmark Voices Concerns of Saharawi Side About Moroccan Army Recent Escalation in Occupied Western Sahara

    Copenhagen — POLISARIO Representative in Denmark Mr. Abba Malainin has today held talks in the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) with Mr. Christian Juhl, member of the Danish Parliament and Foreign Affairs Spokesman of the Red-Green Alliance Party.

    During the meeting, the Saharawi Representative voiced concerns of the Saharawi side about the recent Moroccan army escalation in occupied Western Sahara.
    These deep concerns were expressed recently by the President of Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, in a letter to the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

    "We express our concern and warning that the Kingdom of Morocco may be on the verge of conducting a blatant attack on the liberated territories of Western Sahara, in which Sahrawi army troops, administration, civilian citizens, and the United Nations centers are based," said the President of the Republic.

    "The Moroccan State proceeded to assemble and mobilize its army in an unprecedented serious and striking development since the signing of the cease-fire between the Moroccan and Sahrawi armies," he added.

    President Mohamed Abdelaziz emphasized if this action happened it would be a "violation of the cease-fire in effect between the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco since September 6, 1991".

    The member of Danish Parliament said that he will draw the attention of the Danish Government to the Moroccan army recent escalation in occupied Western Sahara.
    It worth mentioning here that Denmark's Parliament adopted recently new policy on Western Sahara.

    The Danish Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee adopted recently by a majority of the Parties a report in which it supports the efforts of the United Nations that will lead to self-determination referendum on the status of Western Sahara,calls on to provide the UN Mission for the Referendum inWestern Sahara (MINURSO ) with a mechanism to monitor human rights situation in Western Sahara, recommends the Danish governmental institutions and companies not to buy products from Western Sahara, and demands from the Danish Government to consider and start providing humanitarian aid to the Saharawi refugees in Algeria.

    It worth mentioning also here that 4 Danish municipalities have recently stopped the purchase of Salt from occupied Western Sahara.

    SPS, 29 August 2014


    • #17
      Labass 3lik le belge !!! Tu es tout retourné à en venir à virvolter wahdek wahdek.

      C'est juste pour montrer que les représentants du peuple sahraoui se démènent (comme ils peuvent) sur différents continents pour une cause juste.

      Rabbi Ykoun fi 3ounhoum.


      • #18
        C'est ça petit belge !! Tu as tout compris.

        Allons à New york :

        Western Sahara: Minurso Main Mission, Holding Referendum On Saharawi People's Self-Determination

        New York — UN's main mission of the MINURSO (United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) was the holding of a referendum on Saharawi people's self-determination, Polisario Front's representative at the UN, Ahmed Boukhari, reiterated in New York.

        The Saharawi diplomat made the comment in reply to "strange statements" by Morocco's Permanent Representative to the UN, in which he requested the UN Secretary-General not to alter the MINURSO's mission.

        According to Morocco's interpretation, MINURSO's mission is to "ensure the ceasefire, reduce the risk of mine explosions and remnants of munitions of war, support the UNHCR Programme of confidence building, and exchange visits between the separated families."

        "We want to remind the Moroccan party that MINURSO's only mission is the organization of a referendum to complete the decolonization process in Western Sahara," Bukhari stressed.

        "The referendum was accepted and signed by Morocco with the Polisario Front to make way for the implementation of the 1991 settlement plan, and hence the implementation of the resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Security Council on the territory."

        "The obstruction of the efforts of the international community by Morocco to continue its military occupation, the exercise of the most terrible forms of repression against the Saharawi people and the plundering of its resources require the UN to assume its responsibility with seriousness and credibility, ending the illegal occupation of our country and guaranteeing the rights of our people," he added.

        The statements of Morocco's Permanent Representative "reflect irresponsibility and disregard for international law, for which only Morocco assumes its severe consequences."



        • #19
          Swiss boost UN observer mission in Western Sahara

          Aug 20, 2014 - 14:19
          Swiss military observers have been participating in UN missions for nearly 25 years


          Switzerland will send up to six unarmed military observers to join the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Western Sahara to reinforce its involvement in the region.

          The defence ministry said the government on Wednesday decided to approve a request by the UN to contribute to an extended contingent of military personnel.

          The unarmed experts are supervising the 1988 ceasefire agreement between Morocco and the Polisario Front group fighting for independence of Western Sahara.

          Two Swiss mine clearing specialists have been working with the UN contingent since 2011. Up to 85 members of the Swiss Medical Unit also served in the region between 1991 to 1994, according to the ministry.
          Efforts to organise a referendum on Western Sahara have stalled over disagreement on voter rights.

          Switzerland has been taking part in military UN observers missions since 1990. Currently there are 26 military experts and staff officers stationed in the Middle East, Africa and south-east Asia.

          Since 1999 it has also been involved in an international peace support mission in Kosovo. The 220 members of the Swiss army are volunteers and armed for self-defence. The mandate for the Swisscoy troops runs until 2017.

          Urs Geiser,


          • #20

            l offensive diplomatique du Polisario en Amérique Latine donne ses fruits .
            A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


            • #21
              posté par bruxelles

              De toute façon,

              on n'y échappera point ,

              Même quand nous gagnons 10 points le résultat est kif kif(je vise houari 16)

              Waw , ça se voit que houari16 occupe ton esprit , plus que le Brésil , le polisario , Ross et Ban ki Moon

              Brésil : Un poids lourd qui reconnait la RASD ..

              c est un grand point positif , grâce aussi à la politique itinérante de ROSS ....en prevision des prochaines négociations " DIRECTES " !!!!!!!!!!

              "Le Front Polisario espère du Brésil à prendre une position comme à celles adoptées par le Mexique et l'Afrique du Sud, qui reconnaissent l'Etat sahraoui tout en maintenant de bonnes relations avec le Maroc"

              *Le Front Polisario maintient un dialogue constant avec le gouvernement du Brésil....

              donc le Polisario GAGNANT !!
              A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


              • #22
                l année 2015 !!!


                l année 2015 , une année décisive pour le Maroc

                C’est cette année-là que devrait s’achever le processus entamé en 2007 avec l’adoption par le Conseil de sécurité de l’Organisation des Nations unies (ONU) de la résolution 1754, laquelle avait réaffirmé la «volonté» dudit conseil «d’aider les parties à parvenir à une solution politique juste, durable et mutuellement acceptable qui permette l autodétermination du peuple du Sahara occidental .( Une perspective qui ne manque pas d’inquiéter les autorités marocaines. )

                2/Un document dans lequel Ban Ki-moon a, en effet, précisé que 2015 sera une année décisive pour le dossier du Sahara occidental .

                En cas d’échec de son envoyé spécial dans sa mission,
                *Ban Ki Moon a promis une révision de tout le processus de paix initié en 2007.

                l arrogance " marocaine " envers l ONU
                -Un ultimatum que le Maroc a formellement rejeté.
                ( info par Mohammed Jaabouk. )
                A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


                • #23

                  les clous au Sahara occidental

                  1/le mur de la honte immobilise le 3/4 de l armée de terre marocaine

                  2/ la MINURSO est encore sur place pour terminer sa mission

                  *La Mission des Nations unies pour l'organisation d'un référendum au Sahara occidental
                  A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


                  • #24
                    par bruxelles

                    De toute façon,

                    on n'y échappera point ,

                    Même quand nous gagnons 10 points le résultat est kif kif(je vise houari 16)

                    .................................................. .........................................

                    Bonne nuit !!!
                    A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


                    • #25
                      Il faut te décider une fois pour toute,
                      l’année 2010,2011,2012,2013 et 2014 étaient toutes décisives pour votre cause perdue(je ne peux point m'empêcher de coller ce qualificatif au mot cause).
                      Ce que nous coûte le Sahara
                      Maroc, mai 2009 -

                      1200 milliards de dirhams dépensés depuis le début du conflit du Sahara Occidental, 3% de PIB perdu chaque année…
                      Au final, maintenir le statu quo dans le conflit du Sahara est supportable, mais pas du tout profitable. “Même si aucune solution miracle ne pourra faire regagner le temps et les ressources perdus, il est plus que temps d'arrêter l'hémorragie”, assure Fouad Abdelmoumni.
                      "Les petits esprits parlent des gens, les esprits moyens parlent des événements, les grands esprits parlent des idées, et les esprits supérieurs agissent en silence."


                      • #26
                        عندما تقوم جزيرة هايتي بتجميد مؤقتا اعترافها بالجمهورية الصحراوية
                        كل كلاب المخزن يأتون الى
                        منتدى الجزائر لنشر الخبر بطبل والمزامير والرقص بالمؤخرات وودخان لحزيق صاعد الى غاية الحدود مع سبتة
                        - Population.....:9.5 millions d'habitants
                        - PIB:..............:4,3 milliards de dollars
                        - Superficie.......:27 750 Km2

                        - Population.....: 202 millions d'habitants
                        - PIB:..............: 2 400 milliards de dollars
                        - Superficie.......: 8. 5 million K
                        وعندما يتعلق بالبرازيل وما ادراك ما البرازيل يعتبرون ان الامر غير مهم ولكن الحقيقة في قلوبهم تشتعل فيها نار مثل حرارة الصحراء الحارقة

                        نار من صنع الحسن الثاني التي احترق بها المغاربة

                        Dernière modification par MEK, 08 septembre 2014, 01h07.


                        • #27
                          Il faut te décider une fois pour toute,
                          l’année 2010,2011,2012,2013 et 2014 étaient toutes décisives pour votre cause perdue


