J'ai mis un post dans la rubrique ' Culture & Bouillon ' au sujet des Zouaves qui comme tous le monde sait trouve leur origine dans une tribue Kabyle appellé Zouava. J'y fais référence à un site américain sur les Zouaves, mais j'y ai trouvé le poème ci-dessous écrit par un anonyme, comme quoi que les Algériens sont de redoutables guerriers avec une âme de poète. Je suis vraiement content d'être Algérien ....
You Zouave corps, O haughty France!
We looked on as a wild romance,
And many a one was heard to scoff
At Algiers and at Malakoff;
Nor did we Yankees credit quite
Their evolutions in the fight.
But now we're very sure what they
Have done can here be done to-day,
When thus before our sight deploys
The gallant corps from Illinois --
American Zouaves!
-- Anonymous poem, 1860
You Zouave corps, O haughty France!
We looked on as a wild romance,
And many a one was heard to scoff
At Algiers and at Malakoff;
Nor did we Yankees credit quite
Their evolutions in the fight.
But now we're very sure what they
Have done can here be done to-day,
When thus before our sight deploys
The gallant corps from Illinois --
American Zouaves!
-- Anonymous poem, 1860