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Le port de Tanger est un grande succes

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  • #16
    J'aurai peut être eu un début d'idées si tu avais initié un début d'argumentaire.

    En attendant :

    Avec des frontières fermées, quel serait la valeur ajoutée de Tanger-Med par rapport à Aljesiras et le savoir faire espagnol ?? __________________
    The Tanger port is a big succes and don't know what you are talking about:

    20 Aug 2008
    Spain's ports are having to seriously re-think long term strategic goals in the light of Morocco's Tanger Med success.


    • #17
      Tanger Med takes its toll

      03 Jul 2008
      The reach of Morocco's Tanger Med behemoth is already being felt across the Mediterranean, with Las Palmas Port reporting a drop in container throughput over the first quarter.
      While overall traffic rose 0.7% to 6.5m tonnes, container traffic fell by around 3,500 teu to 351,015 teu for the quarter. In March alone, the throughput drop was in the order of 14.39%, during which 19,000 fewer teu passed through the facility. The following month saw another 1% decrease in traffic to 417,370 teu.

      While part of the downturn is certainly due to the weaker economy, speculation suggests that the opening of Tanger-Med has also impacted negatively on the port, which relies almost wholly on transhipment traffic.


      • #18
        == MODERATION==
        Soyez constructif. Evitez les attaques personnelles et les provocations. Relisez ET respectez la charte.


        • #19
          Ik had enkele eerste ideeën als u was begonnen met een eerste argument.

          In afwachting: # post1959898

          Avec des frontières fermées, quel serait la valeur ajoutée de Tanger-Med par rapport à Aljesiras et le savoir faire espagnol ??
          Met gesloten grenzen, wat is de toegevoegde waarde van Tanger-Med meer dan Aljesiras en Spaans vaardigheden?

          70% of the containers in Tanger are for Europe, Asia, America etc. If there is an order from Europe etc Tanger can send a container faster to Europe, US, South America that is much cheaper then to waite untill it comes Asia etc. All the big ports in the world work with Tanger Med and Tanger Med is much cheaper then order ports in Europa that is why a lot of Asian companies will bring their containers to Tanger.

          Also a lot of containers are for Africa who are exported through Morocco to West Africa.

          And Tanger has free zones and they want to make it a manufactering hub for products from Europe etc..


          • #20
            Jawiza there are not many deep ports in Africa. That is why a lot of big container sheep go to Tanger and Casablanca ports:
            Hunderds of trucks go export every day products from Tanger port to West-Africa.
            The Tanger-Lagos highway is allready...


            The facility is forecast by one regional source to assume the mantle of hub port for the whole of West Africa, while becoming the largest port along the North West African coast.


            The Tanger Med and Algesiras ports will run at equal capacity in 2012 with a competitive advantage going to the Moroccan port thanks to its ideal location at the intersection of African, Asian and European fairways. This raises serious geo-strategic questions for everyone in the ring.

            source: Les Afriques
            Dernière modification par Mister1979, 01 mars 2009, 11h18.


            • #21

              400 companies have invested in the Tangiers free zone.
              Tanger Med’s comparative advantage lies more so on land than at sea thanks to the industrial zones which will attract a lot of European businesses and, as a result of this, will generate a lot of traffic at the start and towards Tangiers. “Algesiras benefited greatly from the increase in trade between Europe and Asia as well as the increased traffic on the Strait.

              Source: Les Afriques

