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Un homme tue ses deux enfants pour punir son ex-épouse

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  • Un homme tue ses deux enfants pour punir son ex-épouse

    Lorsqu'il a constaté que son ex-épouse s'est inscrite dans des sites de rencontres sur Internet dans l'espoir de trouver l'amour après l'échec de leur mariage, l'homme britannique Petros Williams (37 ans) a décidé de se venger en étranglant leurs deux enfants, Theo (2 ans) et Yolanda (4 ans).

    Psychopathe, le criminel a même filmé les deux enfants avant de les tuer en leur faisant dire face à la caméra "Tu vas nous manquer maman. Bye maman" pour culpabiliser son ex-épouse et la briser.

    Le criminel a été emprisonné cette semaine pour 28 ans.

    Man jailed for strangling children with internet cables
    Morongoe Molemohi, the mother of two children strangled by their father with internet cables in a "symbolic act of punishment" for her use of dating websites, has said her pain will "never go away".

    Ms Molemohi spoke of the moment she discovered the lifeless bodies of her two young children as her husband, Petros Williams, 37, from Manchester, was jailed for at least 28 years for their murders.

    Williams wrapped internet connection cables around the necks of the couple's four-year-old daughter Yolanda and two-year-old son Theo to punish his wife for using dating websites after their marriage broke down.

    The defendant added further distress by filming a ''farewell video'' of the children in the days before he killed them, in which he coaxed them to say ''we will miss you mummy'' and ''bye mummy''.

    The videotape and various ''suicide'' notes were found by police after Mrs Molemohi, 30, raised the alarm when she entered the couple's one-bedroom flat and saw her children lying beside their dazed father last October.

    A noose was tied to the bed near to where Williams slept as he apparently prepared to kill himself but did not have the courage to go ahead with the plan, said the prosecution.

    Manchester Crown Court heard she was ordered out of the home in Whalley Range a week earlier because Williams was enraged she used the family computer to set up encounters with men online.

    A jury convicted Williams, who is originally from Zimbabwe, of two counts of murder after 90 minutes of deliberation. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and ordered to serve a minimum of 28 years before he can be considered for parole.

    During the trial Williams denied both counts of murder and suggested that his wife had actually carried out the killings.

    In a statement, Miss Molemohi said the full impact of Williams's deeds had not hit her yet.

    She said: ''The circumstances as to how I discovered the children were such as to bring me the most fearful and distressing memories and I will never be able to wipe the image from my mind, nor forget the terrifying desperate moments when I scrambled to help them.

    ''Try to imagine the panic, the isolation and the sense of uselessness in those moments as I realised that my most precious children needed me the most and I was unable to save them.

    ''I am their mother, I brought them into the world with the unspoken promise that I would always protect them and at the time they needed that the most, I could not be there.''

    She added: ''In the months that have passed since the children died, the effect upon my life has been tremendous. I know that it will continue to impact upon me for the rest of my life and I also know that the pain will never go away.''

    Sentencing Williams, Mr Justice Kenneth Parker told him: ''It is hard to conceive any more shocking crime than a parent deliberately taking the life of his or her child.

    ''We saw from the video that Yolanda and Theo were happy children, full of love and laughter, with a whole lifetime ahead of them and, above all, absolute trust in their father who for entirely selfish purposes would end their brief lives.''

    source : Daily Telegraph

    Les deux enfants tués par leur père.

    Le criminel Petros Williams.

  • #2
    28ans de prison seulement!!! il a tué 2innocents enfants qui ne vont jamais revenir, et lui mérite la liberté après 28ans!!!!!

    Ce n'est qu'un psychopathe qui n'a pensé qu'au plaisir de la vengeance


    • #3
      Horrible. La meme chose est arrivee l'anne dernière au Quebec, ou un homme de 36 ans, cardiologue, a tue ses trois enfants avant de tenter de se suicider.
      Si la vie n'est pas une partie de plaisir, l'alternative est pire.


      • #4
        encore des enfants comme victimes!!!!!!!!

        mais où va ce monde!!! sérieusement jusqu' où ça peut aller?

        on peut être criminel dans plusieurs domaines, mais pour moi tout ce qui pourrait toucher aux enfants en est certainement le plus monstrueux et plus terribles! il méritent la peine de mort ces monstres là!!

        étrangler ses propres enfants, juste le fait de lire ça me serre le coeur à un point! :22:

        alors là en voyant les deux petits bout de chou sur la photo, l' immense innocence que dégagent leurs petits yeux, ça fait vraiment mal au coeur ces histoires là
        Dernière modification par absente, 02 avril 2010, 17h00.


        • #5
          Psychopathe, le criminel a même filmé les deux enfants avant de les tuer en leur faisant dire face à la caméra "Tu vas nous manquer maman. Bye maman" pour culpabiliser son ex-épouse et la briser.

          après cette histoire de "pousseur" qui a bousculé un vieil homme pour qu'il se fasse percuter par un train !!
          voila la "papa" qui assasine ses propres enfants pour se venger de son ex-femme !!

          mais où va ce monde ?????????????????????????????

          Le criminel a été emprisonné cette semaine pour 28 ans
          il mérite la peine capital et mourrir dans d'atroces souffrance !!!
          pffff !! quel injustice !!


          • #6
            Mais pourquoi ce cinglé s'en est-il pris aux mômes?
            Où est leur tort?
            Tuer ses mômes pour une nana? qu'elle aille au diable !
            Parfois, je suis pour la peine de mort...
            Mieux vaut un cauchemar qui finit qu’un rêve inaccessible qui ne finit pas…

