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Mariage a durée déterminé

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  • #16
    Un CDI pour ceux qui veulent vouer leur vie a leur "entreprise".


    • #17
      zawaj el mout3a ?? quoi que 7 ans c'est trop long
      La mer apportera à chaque homme des raisons d'espérer , comme le sommeil apporte son cortège de rêves C.C.


      • #18
        pourquoi pas un mariage à points comme pour le permis de conduire!


        • #19
          Algeria amoremio
          et bien, on perd son acte de mariage et il faut tout recommencer.


          • #20
            ce matin j'ai lu ça ...

            En gros les femmes de saudia arabia espionnent leur maris ..;

            Saudi wives use hi-tech to spy on their husbands

            Incidents of intercepting husbands' mobile phones and emails are common
            With the emergency of sophisticated technology, Saudi Arabia has seen growing cases of wives spying on their husbands suspicious of their fidelity.
            Using spy cams and other miracles of information technology like Facebook, Many Saudi wives keep a tap on husband's activities, Arab News reported.
            Incidents like wives intercepting husbands' mobile phones and emails and adding their spouses on their Facebook accounts using pseudonyms are common.
            Many women feel it is their right to keep an eye on their husband for the security of their family and relationship.
            Um Ammar, a Saudi wife, said she was impressed by modern technology, especially social networking site Facebook. She said she insisted her husband add her as one of his friends so she could find out what was going on in his life.
            She recalled that a woman friend of hers had discovered that her husband was willing to cheat on her after she joined his Facebook page using a pseudonym. She started communicating with her husband using this fake name.
            The friend said after months of intimate talk the husband was surprised to find that the woman he was dying to meet was his own wife.
            Um Ahlam, another Saudi wife, said she was jealous by nature. After marriage, she found out that her husband was in love with his cousin and was about to marry her had it not been for a last-minute dispute between their parents.
            Um Ahlam said she had no other option but to use modern technology to spy on her husband, including intercepting his cell phone and e-mail messages.
            "Men cannot be trusted. The availability of modern technology will help catch cheating husbands. If I discovered that he was cheating on me, I would not hesitate to divorce him," she said.

            However, all wives are not in favour of spying, there also those who think it is unnecessary.Ayah, who is a house wife, said women who spy on their husbands have no confidence in themselves or those around them. "I am against women spying on their husbands. My true love for him and my caring nature is my protection against him cheating on me. A husband will never look for another woman if he feels safe and stable with his wife," she said.
            Expectedly, the law is also against spying and women caught in the can face jail or other punishments.
            Commenting on the issue, legal consultant Mashari Saud said wives spying on their husbands has become a phenomenon. He added that such cases were filling the police archives these days. "This act is against the law even if the motive of the woman is to have evidence to produce before the Shariah court, which handles family cases," he said.


            • #21
              azul Aloha
              il y'a des femmes qui fouillent les poches, qui vérifient les appels et les sms, d'autres fainéantes, elles engagent des détectives. il y'a des hommes par contre, qui n'y vont pas par quatre chemins, ils posent des des questions et si ils n'obtiennent pas de réponses ils tapent.


              • #22
                Allemagne: une élue propose un mariage renouvelable tous les sept ans
                Et on dit que c'est un pays développé...........


                • #23
                  haha ... oui en plus c'est vrai... la seul fois où mine avait réagit violemment c'était lorsque nous étions étudiants ... des copains à moi avaient enlevé dans ma chambre d'étudiant toutes les fleurs de l'azalée qu'elle m'avait offert moi je n'avais rien vu mais elle avait noté ... elle les a pourri ! par la suite ... ils ne comprenaient pas pourquoi elle s'intéresse à moi et pas à eux ... je ne les avait plus revu ... nous les avions pas invité à notre mariage non plus ... pourtant c'était mes seuls amis :Thierry et Alain ... (elle les appelait Bouvard et Pécuchet )
                  Une autre fois elle avait aussi crié fort contre une fille qui était un peu gentille sans plus avec moi ...
                  un autre jour ces mêmes copains savaient que je devais recevoir .... so ...
                  ils ont caché du munster (un fromage qui pue ) partout dans ma chambre ... je crois qu'il y avait plus d'un kilogramme dégoulinant planqué partout (derrière la lumière du lavabo partout partout ... alors que j'avais super bien fait le ménage ...

                  bien sûr que je me suis vengé ... j'avais acheté des pilchards (sorte de grosse sardines ... je les avais mis aussi dans leurs chambres et soigneusement caché en petits morceaux
                  Dernière modification par Aloha, 29 juillet 2011, 23h41.


                  • #24
                    Bah au moins ça engorgerait plus les tribunaux...

                    J'dis ça, j'dis rien...

