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Kamel Daoud sur france 2 ce soir

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  • #31
    si vous savez comment taper fort sur les votre vous etes sure d'etre invité sur f2.
    et pas que F2 ,cest un peu khalida avant son poste de ministre tant qu'elle cracher sur des algériens et leur religion elle etait invitèe..apres quelle fut ministre et pro-Bouteflika ca ninteressè plus personne chez les medias francais


    • #32
      merci Solace pour la vidéo, excellent kamal daoud ça fait plaisir, il a très bien répondu clairement et sincèrement.
      ça relève un peu l'image de l'algérie
      "Win yeččan tayazit' n Iflissen, iheggi-d tin-is"


      • #33
        Bravo Kamel ! Tu t'es montré fort intelligent.

        Ce qu'il dit est vrai, l'Algérie est bien plus peuplée de croyants que de citoyens. C'est à ceux-là qu'il écrit, c'est ceux-là qu'il cherche à provoquer dans ses chroniques, c'est à ceux-là qu'il donne à réfléchir.
        Mais plus il leur dira leurs quatre vérités plus il sera détesté, rejeté.
        Cercle vicieux ?
        Non. Un intellectuel doit se foutre de ce que les nuls peuvent bien penser de lui ou pas. Toujours dire le juste, l'intelligent, droit dans les yeux.
        Dernière modification par Bachi, 14 décembre 2014, 15h00.


        • #34
          ce qu'il dit est vrai, l'algérie est bien plus peuplée de croyants que de sujets

          De citoyens
          The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” Winston Churchill


          • #35
            T'as raison... Merci


            • #36
              So, what are we exactly supposed to do? Say yay or clap our hands? :-)

              He said he had an encounter with a visiting French journalist that wondered whether Camus belonged to the French. That inspired him, and he apparently went thru an existential heartburn and wrote a piece wondering, in turn, whether Camus was Algerian. Then the book came.

              So to succeed in selling a literary fiction book, you sort of need to cater to the French audience, sort of figure out what their reading needs are and then write a book. Chances are you will get accolades and gain fame. It works. And I could understand that. (I'll be surprised to see laypeople in Algeria giving a monkey's tit about what Camus represented or what his legacy was.)

              What I fail to understand is his sickly obsession about Arabs, Muslims and Islam. It's universally acknowledged by Mulsims and non-Mulims alike that there is an extreme faction of Muslims that's giving Islam and Muslims a bad name, and we have to deal with that, sooner than later (we had our fair share of terrorism in the 90s.) But badmouthing Algerians, Islam and Muslims? That is not a good answer and never will be.

              He's angry, bitter and arrogant. And there is nothing that pisses me off, when I used to read him, more than when he talks about himself in the third person (Le chroniqueur ceci, le chroniqueur cela). That's a sign of a troubled man. And I think that's the worst form of arrogance.

              Aussi, galek on est malade, les Algeriens et les Francais. I don't think so. koul wahed yahder 3ala rouhou, ou koul wahed yakra fi louhtou. Last time I checked with my doctor, all was green, no red flags raised, l'hamdoulah ya Rabi.

              If he is sick and going thru an identity crisis, or something in that line, then he needs to be polite and use the magic word "please" to ask for help. I'm sure many of us will step up to the plate and help out. Maybe. :-)
              It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so -- Attributed to Mark Twain


              • #37
                Aussi, galek on est malade, les Algeriens et les Francais. I don't think so. koul wahed yahder 3ala rouhou, ou koul wahed yakra fi louhtou. Last time I checked with my doctor, all was green, no red flags raised, l'hamdoulah ya Rabi.

                If he is sick and going thru an identity crisis, or something in that line, then he needs to be polite and use the magic word "please" to ask for help. I'm sure many of us will step up to the plate and help out. Maybe. :-)

                Le malaise du couple Algérie-France existe bel et bien et c'est ce dont il parle.
                La relation n'est pas encore apaisée et elle ne risque pas de l'être de sitôt.

                Ne crains rien, cette forme de pathologie n'a rien de physique. héhéhé


                • #38
                  Le malaise du couple Algérie-France existe bel et bien et c'est ce dont il parle.
                  La relation n'est pas encore apaisée et elle ne risque pas de l'être de sitôt.

                  Ne crains rien, cette forme de pathologie n'a rien de physique. héhéhé
                  saha Bachi :-)

                  Agree, oui le malaise existe bel et bien, but I don't see it from his angle specifically. I could understand he's struggling with his own identity and he's yet to sort it all out, but if you look around that's far from what the average H'mi'med and Baya are struggling with on a daily basis. S'il y a un travail de memoire a faire et ben que les historiens et politiques y penchent and we could all heal (politicians could make that easier to do if they are willing.)
                  We've been stuck in the past for too long. We need to move on. There is a lot of catching up we as a nation need to do....
                  It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so -- Attributed to Mark Twain

