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Un adolescent survit à un couteau dans le crâne

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  • Un adolescent survit à un couteau dans le crâne

    Un jeune adolescent britannique de 15 ans a miraculeusement survécu à une attaque par un voyou qui a enfoncé un couteau de cuisine dans son crâne.

    L'adolescent a été traité, et 10 mois après l'attaque, il est retourné au collège.

    Le crâne de l'adolescent vu aux rayons X.

  • #2
    C'est ce qu'on appelle un vrai miraculée! qu'il profite a max de sa vie, et je souhaite qu'il soit conscient de le 2éme vie qu'il a eu, en voyons les rayons X, on ne peut que être stupéfier et ouvrir grand sa bouche devant sa survie ,mais sérieusement il doit remercier dieu 24/24 h!

    Wow vous pouvez m'expliquer comment le couteau a pu percer l'os du crane ?? c'est délirant ce fait divers ! 3ich nhar, tsma3 khabar (Vis un jours, tu entend une nouvelle) !
    Dernière modification par diablo-colorado, 30 septembre 2008, 23h39.


    • #3
      Ah la la ! J'ai failli vomir en voyant les 2 photos ! Mais c'est un Super Veinard celui là ! ...


      • #4
        il a 15 ans et il entre deja a l'université???


        • #5
          L'adolescent devra consulter les médecins de temps en temps pour des opérations chirurgicales car il a aussi souffert de dommages au niveau de ses nerfs.
          Le malheureux a été agressé lorsqu'il a tenté de secourir un ami agressé.

          Ci dessous, l'article de "The Telegraph" du jour.

          X-ray shows knife embedded in head of teenage boy
          Shocking X-ray images showing a five-inch knife embedded in the head of a teenage boy have been released by police.

          The 15-year-old amazingly survived the attack by another teenager, who has since been found guilty of attempted murder.

          The victim, who has not been named, had tried to stop a friend being robbed outside a supermarket in south London last year.

          He was stabbed through his forehead and the blade embedded itself in his brain, removing five per cent of his total brain matter. Despite suffering nerve damage he has since returned to college.

          Detective Constable Scott Albert, who led the investigation, said: "There is no doubt the victim was lucky to survive.

          "Since the incident the victim's reactions have slowed and he walks with a limp. But he is back at college and trying to get on with his life.

          "He has to go back to hospital every now and then for occasional surgery because he also suffered damage to his nerves.

          "This case does show however that anyone who carries a knife, risks a heavy jail sentence. The defendant has affected four lives, including his own.

          "Anyone thinking of carrying a knife should be warned by this case. Don't be a statistic. Life is precious."

