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HASSAN 2 : Réponses rapides sur la relation avec le Polisario et l'Algérie

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  • HASSAN 2 : Réponses rapides sur la relation avec le Polisario et l'Algérie

  • #2
    lol, du pur H2, une bête de la politique et de la diplomatie, des réponses courtes mais profondes mais malheureusement implacable chez lui et ayant commis pas mal d'erreurs. Bien heureux que les choses aient changé...


    • #3
      allez ayoub fais un effort, tu peux le critiquer, de 1 il est mort, et de 2 t'es sur FA


      • #4
        "L'homme sage est toujours celui qui vient chercher des conseils d'abord, les armes , on en trouvent partout ...."
        on peut lui reprocher 100 millions de choses à H2 , mais pas de ne pas avoir le sens du verbe et de la communication , j'en dirai pas autant de son rejeton ....

        mais ce qui me tue chez lui , c'est son petit sourire en coin , qu'il balançait à tout bout de champ .... et qui te passai un message du genre : ' je suis en train de te manipuler , mais tu peux rien faire ....'
        " Je me rend souvent dans les Mosquées, Ou l'ombre est propice au sommeil " O.Khayaâm


        • #5
          moi je fixe plutot moulay hafid el alaoui derrier lui avec le tarbouche,c'etait un tenebreux conseiller en securité!


          • #6
            allez ayoub fais un effort, tu peux le critiquer, de 1 il est mort, et de 2 t'es sur FA
            "Fais un effort" de relire ce que j'ai ecrit. Process tout ca, puis mets les doigts sur le clavier


            • #7
              Hassan 2 made only mistakes...


              • #8
                par ayoub 7
                Bien heureux que les choses aient changé...
                En quoi ce changement .. ??

                au moins H II malgré sa cruauté , il avait la bougeotte , un art de manier les choses …
                A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


                • #9
                  Hassan 2 made only mistakes...
                  Nobody makes "only" mistakes. H2 did great things and did bad things...

                  au moins H II malgré sa cruauté , il avait la bougeotte , un art de manier les choses …
                  Non merci, je prefere un chef d'etat sans cruaute, avec moins de "bougeotte" comme tu dis (j'aurais pas pu trouver meilleur terme en fait) et qui se concentre plutot sur des resultats avec une gestion pragmatique. On va laisser la cruaute et la bougeotte aux autres dirigeants cette fois ci, dans la bonne tradition africaine.
                  Dernière modification par ayoub7, 26 avril 2009, 12h22.


                  • #10
                    Ayoub, Hassan 2 did nothing great. He did nothing to develope Morocco and made crucial mistakes. Like the bad education and negelecting of regions.

                    Tanger was once the St Tropez of Africa it was full with international banks, companies etc, but they were forced by Hassan 2 to leave the city. Tanger could be now one of the richest cities of Africa.

                    In the eighties Spain asked Morocco to give them the coast to build resorts and hotels, but Hassan 2 said no.

                    In 1984 Maersk asked Morocco to build a deep port for them by Tanger, but Hassan 2 said no etc etc

                    Crucial big mistakes.
                    Hassan 2 was just like Saddam and didn't care about his country and people..


                    • #11
                      Non merci, je prefere un chef d'etat sans cruaute, avec moins de "bougeotte"
                      Eh bien Oui , je suis d accord avec toi , tu aimes le sans bougeotte ? qui gèle les relations diplomatiques pour un oui ou un non ……sauf avec le voisin de l Est ..
                      A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


                      • #12
                        Ayoub, Hassan 2 did nothing great. He did nothing to develope Morocco and made crucial mistakes. Like the bad education and negelecting of regions.
                        Ok chief, H2 did nothing good. As long as you're happy, that's what counts...

                        Tanger was once the St Tropez of Africa it was full with international banks, companies etc, but they were forced by Hassan 2 to leave the city. Tanger could be now one of the richest cities of Africa.
                        Yeah, that's when the city had an "International status" outside of the realm of the Moroccan state. Just like when Algeria was a delight under French rule. Remind us again what did the algerian government after he liberated the country? Oh yeah, he expelled all the French and asked them to "leave the country".

                        In the eighties Spain asked Morocco to give them the coast to build resorts and hotels, but Hassan 2 said no.
                        Right right....

                        In 1984 Maersk asked Morocco to build a deep port for them by Tanger, but Hassan 2 said no etc etc
                        Right right... and in 1970, FIFA asked Morocco to organize the World Cup and H2 said no. In 1985, Captain Kirk from the Enterprise spaceship asked H2 to help fighting the aliens and he said no too, etc etc...

                        Crucial big mistakes.
                        Hassan 2 was just like Saddam and didn't care about his country and people..

                        Ok let me tell you some good things H2 did:

                        - he built a dam every year in Morocco
                        - he was able to stabilize and insure the "SAFETY" of the country
                        - he put Morocco on the map in the world arena on several occasions
                        - he was able to change and put the country towards democratization in the late 90's by allowing the opposition parties to form a government
                        - he unified the country with the big help of Algeria by unifying moroccans around the sahara issue (thank you so much guys)
                        - and last but not least, he was able to guarantee the Moroccan territorial integrity.

                        Let me know if you want more...

                        On the other hands, he ruled with no mercy after the two failed coup d'etats and did not surround himself with the best all the time.

                        Btw, Tangiers is making a comeback and it's very likely that soon she'll be able to compete with Marrakech...


                        • #13
                          Eh bien Oui , je suis d accord avec toi , tu aimes le sans bougeotte ? qui gèle les relations diplomatiques pour un oui ou un non ……sauf avec le voisin de l Est ..
                          Exact, et toi tu aimes le avec la bougeotte qui change la constitution pour un oui ou pour un non? (on se croirait a la maternelle parfois ici)


                          • #14
                            L'homme sage est toujours celui qui vient chercher des conseil d'abord, les armes on en trouve partout.
                            pas mal ...

                            malin et excellent communiquant, s'il avait mis toute son intelligence à développer le pays, on serait loin devant aujourd'hui, dommage.
                            Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself


                            • #15
                              mister you forget the biggest one
                              la colonisation du sahara occidental

                              for sure
                              faut pas apres crier au loup
                              He did nothing to develope Morocco and made crucial mistakes. Like the bad education and negelecting of regions.

                              because the money disapear through the sands
                              The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” Winston Churchill

