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Sarah Palin piégée par un faux Nicolas Sarkozy

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  • Sarah Palin piégée par un faux Nicolas Sarkozy

    Deux humoristes de Montréal, se faisant passer pour Nicolas sarkosy, viennent de piéger Sarah paulin dans une interview téléphonique. Tordant.
    (PC) – À quelques jours de l'élection présidentielle américaine, la colistière du candidat républicain John McCain, Sarah Palin, s'est fait attraper par les Justiciers masqués qui ont feint un entretien avec le président français Nicolas Sarkozy.
    Au début de la conversation, le farceur fait même référence au «conseiller extraordinaire pour les affaires américaines», Johnny Halliday.
    L'enregistrement d'environ six minutes sera diffusé sur les ondes de la station de radio montréalaise CKOI, lundi à 15h, au cours de l'émission de Marc Antoine-Audette et Sébastien Trudel, soit à la veille du scrutin aux États-Unis.
    Durant l'entretien, Mme Palin ne semble pas réaliser qu'il s'agit d'un canular, si bien que son interlocuteur doit l'en aviser à la fin de leur conversation.
    Le dernier grand coup des Justiciers masqués fut le chanteur des Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, alors qu'un des Justiciers masqués s'était fait passer pour le premier ministre canadien Stephen Harper. En 10 ans d'existence, les Justiciers masqués ont trompé des grands noms tels que Paul McCartney, Bill Gates ainsi que les présidents français Nicolas Sarkozy et Jacques Chirac.

  • #2
    La stupide Sarah Palin s'est vraiment royalement faite avoir!
    La fanatique religieuse pensait vraiment qu'elle parlait avec Nicolas Sarkozy alors que le comique se moquait explicitement d'elle!


    • #3
      Et si nos amis avaient une complice !!!


      • #4
        Pas du tout. Le canular est 100% vrai. D'ailleurs, la porte-parole de campagne de Sarah Palin a confirmé que sa patronne a été piégée par les comiques canadiens!
        C'est bel et bien l'idiote Sarah Palin qu'on entend et elle continuait à parler alors que le comique lui a donné des tonnes d'indices pour se rendre compte qu'elle était piégée!
        Le canular est d'ailleurs repris par toutes les agences de presse (AFP, AP, Reuters...etc) et les grands médias américains.

        Bravo aux deux comiques canadiens Marc-Antoine Audette et Sebastien Trudel!

        Ci dessous, l'article d'AP.

        Palin takes prank call from fake French president
        Sarah Palin unwittingly took a prank call Saturday from a Canadian comedian posing as French President Nicolas Sarkozy and telling her she would make a good president someday.

        "Maybe in eight years," replies a laughing Palin.

        The Republican vice presidential nominee discusses politics, the perils of hunting with Vice President Dick Cheney, and Sarkozy's "beautiful wife," in a recording of the call released Saturday and set to air Monday on a Quebec radio station.

        Palin campaign spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt confirmed she had received the prank call.

        "Governor Palin was mildly amused to learn that she had joined the ranks of heads of state, including President Sarkozy and other celebrities, in being targeted by these pranksters. C'est la vie," she said.

        The call was made by a well-known Montreal comedy duo Marc-Antoine Audette and Sebastien Trudel. Known as the Masked Avengers, the two are notorious for prank calls to celebrities and heads of state.

        Audette posing as Sarkozy speaks in an exaggerated French accent and drops ample hints that the conversation is a joke. But Palin seemingly does not pick up on them.

        He tells Palin one of his favorite pastimes is hunting, also a passion of the 44-year-old Alaska governor.

        "I just love killing those animals. Mmm, mmm, take away life, that is so fun," the fake Sarkozy says.

        He proposes they go hunting together by helicopter, something he says he has never done.

        "Well, I think we could have a lot of fun together while we're getting work done," Palin counters. "We can kill two birds with one stone that way."

        The comedian then jokes that they shouldn't bring Cheney along on the hunt, referring to the 2006 incident in which the vice-president shot and injured a friend while hunting quail.

        "I'll be a careful shot," responds Palin.

        Playing off Palin's much-mocked comment in an early television interview that she had insights into foreign policy because "you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska," the caller tells her: "You know we have a lot in common also, because except from my house I can see Belgium."

        She replies: Well, see, we're right next door to different countries that we all need to be working with, yes.

        Palin praises Sarkozy throughout the call and also mentions his wife Carla Bruni, a model-turned-songwriter.

        "You know, I look forward to working with you and getting to meet you personally and your beautiful wife," Palin says. "Oh my goodness, you've added a lot of energy to your country with that beautiful family of yours."


        • #5
          ahaha c'etait marrant lol
          Everything happens for a reason but it's up to you to find the good in it


          • #6
            pour une fois ce sont les canadiens qui vont se moquer des cowboys


            • #7
              blofeld: regarde la feuille de route de ces humoristes. Ils ont piégés plusieurs personnes à date. Eux et les Grandes Gueules s'en font une spécialités. Et c'est du 100% vrai.


              • #8
                you so stupid Sarah palin !

                Mais ca ce vois que c'est pas sarkozy, wow elle si conne que ca !

                Si quelqu'un peut me traduire ce qu'elle a dis après que le comique lui dis qu'elle a été piger , ça serais gentil!
                Dernière modification par diablo-colorado, 02 novembre 2008, 00h16.


                • #9
                  les américains sont les etre humains les plus con dans cette univere


                  • #10
                    sinon y a un groupuscule qui s'occupe d'entartrer quelques célébrités...c'est intéressant ça aussi.


                    • #11
                      Ci dessous, le texte du canular en anglais tiré du site "Globe and Mail" (dans le texte : "P" pour "Sarah Palin", et "A" pour "Masked Avengers").

                      L'idiote a même prétendu avoir vu et aimé le documentaire "Nailin' Paylin" alors que c'est un film porno la moquant! C'est dire combien elle ment!

                      Transcript of prank call between Palin and Masked Avengers
                      Sarah Palin: This is Sarah.

                      Masked Avengers: Ah, yeah, Gov. Palin.

                      Palin: Hello.

                      Avengers: Just hold on for President Sarkozy, one moment.

                      P: Oh, it's not him yet, they're saying. I always do that.

                      A: Yes, hello, Gov. Palin.

                      P: Hello, this is Sarah, how are you?

                      A: Fine, and you? This is Nicolas Sarkozy speaking, how are you?

                      P: Oh, it's so good to hear you. Thank you for calling us.

                      A: Oh, it's a pleasure.

                      P: Thank you sir, we have such great respect for you, John McCain and I. We love you and thank you for taking a few minutes to talk to me.

                      A: I follow your campaigns closely with my special American adviser Johnny Hallyday, you know?

                      P: Yes, good.

                      A: Excellent. Are you confident?

                      P: Very confident and we're thankful that polls are showing that the race is tightening and...

                      A: Well I know very well that the campaign can be exhausting. How do you feel right now, my dear?

                      P: I feel so good. I feel like we're in a marathon and at the very end of the marathon you get your second wind and you plow to the finish.

                      A: You see, I got elected in France because I'm real and you seem to be someone who's real, as well.

                      P: Yes, yeah. Nico, we so appreciate this opportunity.

                      A: You know I see you as a president one day, too.

                      P: Maybe in eight years.

                      A: Well, I hope for you. You know, we have a lot in common because personally one of my favourite activities is to hunt, too.

                      P: Oh, very good. We should go hunting together.

                      A: Exactly, we could try go hunting by helicopter like you did. I never did that. Like we say in French, on pourrait tuer des bebe phoque s, aussi.

                      P: Well, I think we could have a lot of fun together while we're getting work done. We can kill two birds with one stone that way.

                      A: I just love killing those animals. Mmm, mmm, take away life, that is so fun. I'd really love to go, so long as we don't bring along Vice-President Cheney.

                      P: No, I'll be a careful shot, yes.

                      A: Yes, you know we have a lot in common also, because except from my house I can see Belgium. That's kind of less interesting than you.

                      P: Well, see, we're right next door to different countries that we all need to be working with, yes.

                      A: Some people said in the last days and I thought that was mean that you weren't experienced enough in foreign relations and you know that's completely false. That's the thing that I said to my great friend, the prime minister of Canada Stef Carse.

                      P: Well, he's doing fine, too, and yeah, when you come into a position underestimated it gives you an opportunity to prove the pundits and the critics wrong. You work that much harder.

                      A: I was wondering because you are so next to him, one of my good friends, the prime minister of Quebec, Mr. Richard Z. Sirois, have you met him recently? Did he come to one of your rallies?

                      P: I haven't seen him at one of the rallies but it's been great working with the Canadian officials. I know as governor we have a great co-operative effort there as we work on all of our resource-development projects. You know, I look forward to working with you and getting to meet you personally and your beautiful wife. Oh my goodness, you've added a lot of energy to your country with that beautiful family of yours.

                      A: Thank you very much. You know my wife Carla would love to meet you, even though you know she was a bit jealous that I was supposed to speak to you today.

                      P: Well, give her a big hug for me.

                      A: You know my wife is a popular singer and a former top model and she's so hot in bed. She even wrote a song for you.

                      P: Oh my goodness, I didn't know that.

                      A: Yes, in French it's called de rouge a levre sur un cochon, or if you prefer in English, Joe the's his life, Joe the Plumber.

                      P: Maybe she understands some of the unfair criticism but I bet you she is such a hard worker, too, and she realizes you just plow through that criticism.

                      A: I just want to be sure. That phenomenon Joe the Plumber. That's not your husband, right?

                      P: That's not my husband but he's a normal American who just works hard and doesn't want government to take his money.

                      A: Yes, yes, I understand we have the equivalent of Joe the Plumber in France. It's called Marcel, the guy with bread under his armpit.

                      P: Right, that's what it's all about, the middle class and government needing to work for them. You're a very good example for us here.

                      A: I see a bit about NBC, even Fox News wasn't an ally as much as usual.

                      P: Yeah, that's what we're up against.

                      A: Gov. Palin, I love the documentary they made on your life. You know Hustler's Nailin' Paylin?

                      P: Ohh, good, thank you, yes.

                      A: That was really edgy.

                      P: Well, good.

                      A: I really loved you and I must say something also, governor, you've been pranked by the Masked Avengers. We are two comedians from Montreal.

                      P: Ohhh, have we been pranked? And what radio station is this?

                      A: CKOI in Montreal.

                      P: In Montreal? Tell me the radio station call letters.

                      A: CK...hello?


                      • #12
                        Palin victime d'un canular téléphonique

                        MONTRÉAL (AFP) — La candidate à la vice-présidence américaine Sarah Palin a été victime d'un canular téléphonique, déclarant à un humoriste québécois qui se faisait passer pour le président Nicolas Sarkozy qu'elle serait peut-être présidente dans huit ans, ont affirmé samedi les auteurs du gag.

                        Les "Justiciers masqués", deux humoristes québécois, se targuent d'avoir ajouté Sarah Palin à leur tableau de chasse. Ils sont connus pour avoir déja piégé notamment le président Nicolas Sarkozy, son prédécesseur Jacques Chirac, ainsi que des personnalités comme Mick Jagger, Tiger Woods ou Britney Spears.

                        "C'est notre coup le plus explosif à ce jour", a déclaré à l'AFP Marc-Antoine Audette, en soulignant qu'il avait été "ardu" pour son complice Sébastien Trudel et lui de passer les filtres du Secret Service, le service chargé de la protection des personnalités publiques américaines, et de l'entourage de la candidate républicaine.

                        Contactée par l'AFP sur l'existence de ce canular, l'équipe de Sarah Palin n'avait pas réagi samedi.

                        Selon l'enregistrement de la conversation mis en ligne sur leur site (, la femme dont les "Justiciers" affirment qu'il s'agit de Mme Palin se déclare ravie du coup de téléphone de son interlocuteur qui se présente comme le président Sarkozy et lui parle avec un fort accent français. "Nous avons beaucoup de respect pour vous, John McCain et moi, et nous vous aimons. Merci d'avoir pris quelques minutes pour me parler", lui dit-elle.

                        Le faux Nicolas Sarkozy lui déclare ensuite suivre de près la campagne avec son conseiller spécial Johnny Halliday. Mme Palin se dit confiante avant le scrutin de mardi et se réjouit que les sondages montrent un rétrécissement de l'écart entre les candidats démocrate et républicain. "Je vous vois présidente un jour vous aussi", dit alors l'humoriste se faisant passer pour M. Sarkozy. "Peut-être dans huit ans", lui répond Mme Palin avec un petit rire.

                        Mme Palin dit également à son interlocuteur qu'elle serait ravie de le rencontrer, lui et "sa belle épouse". La conversation s'achève lorsque l'humoriste informe son interlocutrice qu'elle vient d'être victime d'un canular téléphonique.

                        A todo cerdo le llega su San Martín.


                        • #13
                          l'imbecile, elle ne connait meme pas la voix de Sarko

                          la partie la plus hilarante de la conversation: "...we could go try hunting by helicopter like you did, I've never did that. Like we say in french: on peut tuer de bébés phoques aussi. I just love killing those animals".
                          A todo cerdo le llega su San Martín.


                          • #14
                            A: I follow your campaigns closely with my special American adviser Johnny Hallyday, you know?
                            That's the thing that I said to my great friend, the prime minister of Canada Stef Carse.
                            the prime minister of Quebec, Mr. Richard Z. Sirois,
                            Très drole


                            • #15
                              Obama for president

                              c'est vrai qu'ils lui ont donné pas mal d'indices, mais cette tâche n'a rien vu

                              I just love killing those animals. Mmm, mmm, take away life, that is so fun. I'd really love to go, so long as we don't bring along Vice-President Cheney.
                              A: I just want to be sure. That phenomenon Joe the Plumber. That's not your husband, right?
                              elle est vraiment tarte ....
                              Dernière modification par freesoda, 02 novembre 2008, 12h39.
                              Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself

