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un bébé né hors mariage

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  • Salut Momo.05,

    je comprends ton avis. Mais que veux-tu ? Nous aurions vécu en Algérie, nous penserions sans doute la même chose que certains !


    • sincerment,moi je pense qu'il faut quand meme respecter la culture de tout un chacun!!!il n'y a pas un model universel a suivre.


      • ce n'est pas culturel

        les gens pensaient ainsi dans les années 50 / 60 en France aussi ...


        • accessoirement ça c est une géneralité Lyna et cela doit etre encore une étude à l americaine tel le "macher du chewing gum rendrait plus intelligent"
          Je ne generalise pas je parle de ma société car je crois aux differences culturelles. Je persiste dans mes idées/messages.

          Une etude a l'amercaine???!!! Qu'est ce que cela veut dire???!!! Je trouve ta remarque et ton ton deplacés. JE NE N'AI PAS INSULTE TON PAYS N'INSULTE PAS MON PAYS MEME SI C'EST DU SARCASME!! CAR TU NE SAIS PAS DE QUOI TU PARLES.


          PS: La recherche scientifique n'est pas donnée a tout le monde

          by David MacRae

          Over the last fifty years, almost every country in Western Europe and North America has experienced an enormous increase in crime rates. Neighborhoods that once were safe at night have become dangerous during the day. Random acts of violence, once almost unknown, have become common. We have this notion that this is an American problem. It is not. While Americans are definitely have a problem with murder, overall crime rates are actually higher in many other countries including Canada, Great Britain, France and Sweden. Certain kinds of violent crime are actually more common elsewhere. Home invasions are far more common in Britain. The Montreal area has recently experienced a rash of them, resulting in several deaths.


          At the root of the problem

          Liberals (and here I use the word in its North American sense – as a euphemism for socialists), answer that the reason for crime is « child poverty » and « discrimination ». Kids who come from « disadvantaged backgrounds » are pre-disposed to anti-social behaviours. The answer therefore is the same one that liberals always have to any problem: get the government to spend more of other people’s money on it. Welfare, subsidized daycare. You name it.

          The idea that child poverty is responsible for crime has always been silly. To start with, poverty (as opposed to squalor) has been virtually eliminated in the Western world. Furthermore many countries in which real poverty does exist, such as India and China, don't exhibit this social pathology. The reality is that, aside from the industrialized West, crime is limited to those areas of the world where the political and judicial system has broken down such as Russia and most of sub-Saharan Africa. None of this is very surprising when you consider that the human animal was designed to live in a world where poverty, want and famine were the norm, not the exception.

          Yet for all this talk about the root causes of crime, there is one factor which overwhelms all of the others: fatherlessness. The link between fatherlessness and crime is so strong « that controlling for family configuration erases the relationship between race and crime and between low income and crime », as Barbara Defoe Whitehead notes in her famous article from Atlantic Monthly « Dan Quayle was Right ».

          « In 1983, the US Department of Health and Human Services found that 60% of child abuse is inflicted by mothers with sole custody of their children. Almost all of the rest comes from other members of her entourage, especially boyfriends and second husbands. »

          Consider these facts:
          • 85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes (U.S. Center for Disease Control);
          • 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes (U.S. Bureau of the Census);
          • 80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger come from fatherless homes (Criminal Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26, 1978);
          • 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Special Report, Sept 1988);
          • 85% of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in a fatherless home (Texas Dept. of Corrections 1992).
          In fact, you can pick a social ill at random and you will find that the correlation with fatherlessness is clear and direct. Depression. Suicide. Dropping out of school. Teenage pregnancy. Drug use. In sum, fatherless children are:
          • 5 times more likely to commit suicide;
          • 32 times more likely to run away;
          • 20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders;
          • 14 times more likely to commit rape;
          • 9 times more likely to drop out of high school;
          • 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances;
          • 9 times more likely to end up in a mental institution;
          • 20 times more likely to end up in prison(1).
          Fatherless children are also, according to one British study, about 33 times more likely to be abused. In 1983, the US Department of Health and Human Services found that 60% of child abuse is inflicted by mothers with sole custody of their children.

          Dernière modification par absente, 11 mai 2009, 00h22.


          • penser ainsi c'est irresponsable
            tu dois avoir suis irresponsable...........j'aurrais du laisser ma fille dehors dans la rue!
            des betises on en fait tous,une maman se doit de pardonner,d'etre presente pour ses enfants,bonne education ou pas,principes ou pas,religion ou pas.tu apprendas surement avec la vie qu'on n'a pas toujours ce qu'on veut!on a beau faire ce qu'on peut,leur donner le mieux,leur apprendre ce qui est bien ou pas......les enfants peuvent faire des betises,drogue,coucher, j'en passe.
            Mais toi je suis sure que tu es a l'abrit de tous ca........tu sais comment faire,tes enfants seront irreprochables?tant mieux pour toi........taches de ne pas les etouffer!
            on fait avec..........


            • Quelques soient les raisons...

              Qu'on vive ici ou là-bas n'empêche pas d'avoir un avis sur la naissance d'un enfant hors mariage...

              Invoquer la culture, la tradition ou le quand dira-t-on ne change rien à la chose...

              Des parents qui renient leur fille parce qu'elle a conçu un enfant hors mariage sont des parents indignes...

              Il faut laisser parler son coeur et ses tripes et ne pas agir comme un mouton dans un troupeau...


              • merci Ali!
                on fait avec..........


                • Des parents qui renient leur fille parce qu'elle a conçu un enfant hors mariage sont des parents indignes...
                  ce n'était pas ça le débat,et c'est rare qui font ça,âpres une semaine d'affolement c'est le père qui part chercher sa fille .......

                  pour ce qui de renier et machin,c'est des trucs comme d'autres (lapidation,......)qu'on nous sort pour rendre nos traditions et cultures(pour ne pas dire religion) archaïques,inhumaines et parfois cruelles.

                  j'espère qu'on nous comprendra un jour!!!
                  Dernière modification par absent, 10 mai 2009, 15h50.

