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C'est quoi un Algérien ?

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  • #31
    Par contre l'algérienne existe ...
    ps: toi t'es française tu n'es pas concernée ...
    وألعن من لم يماشي الزمان ،و يقنع بالعيش عيش الحجر


    • #32
      c est quoi un algerien?

      c'est un impulsif fier avec le coeur sur la main....


      • #33
        Y a aussi des mous avec la main sur le porte monnaie...

        Crie leur qu'on est le monde...Que le peuple finira par vaincre,
        Qu'ils ont le chiffre, qu'on a le nombre...Et que la rue nous appartient!


        • #34
          uè en fait dans mon egocentrisme je parlais de moi


          • #35
            Comment n'y ai-je pas pensé...

            Crie leur qu'on est le monde...Que le peuple finira par vaincre,
            Qu'ils ont le chiffre, qu'on a le nombre...Et que la rue nous appartient!


            • #36
              Généreux, fiers et imbattables à la « goinche », ils
              jouent bien au football et savent se débrouiller les pieds dans le marécage.
              Ce sont de bons chanteur(e)s et d’excellents musiciens. Leurs cadres sont
              compétents, leurs filles sexy et leurs vieux sympathiques. Leurs garçons sont
              roublards, dragueurs et bagarreurs, ils ont le charme du voyou conjugué à
              l’attrait du rebelle.


              • #37
                Le coeur sur la main et inversement, quand ca va bien...
                mais quand ca va mal, c'est le poing qui prend le relai ...
                Mais à l'ordinaire, comment t'es May, à part d'être centrée sur May ?
                Dernière modification par Bachi, 26 septembre 2007, 22h38.


                • #38
                  un ALgérien est tojors le chef d'équipe
                  (pour ceux qui comprennent)
                  d'ailleurs ché pour cha qu'on est ....


                  • #39
                    on joue avec nox coeur pas avec nos pieds


                    • #40
                      Mais à l'ordinaire, comment t'es May, à part d'être centrée sur May ?
                      bah comme tout algerien qui se respecte

                      en fait c est quoi un algerien ?
                      y a de tout du plus grand hypocrite a la plus franche personne
                      du radin aux genereux
                      du colereu aux passif
                      peut etre alors le nif ué ils ont quand meme en majorité du nif

                      tu pourras remarqué que lorsque tu me demandes comment je suis je te repond comment sont les algeriens


                      • #41
                        Intenable comme du mercure...
                        Voilà ce que tu as de plus que l'Algérien type...
                        et nucléaire, évidemment...

                        Donc, il n'y a pas d'Algérien type, comme disait Châma a raison...
                        Comment il se fait alors qu'on soit fier d'un type qui n'existe pas?


                        • #42

                          Il existe puisque nous sommes là mais il y a plusieurs types.
                          Les libertés ne se donnent pas, elles se prennent


                          • #43
                            il existait parce qu'on on est devenu des tunisiens


                            • #44

                              Bien entendu c'est aux hommes que tu t'adresses ?
                              Les libertés ne se donnent pas, elles se prennent


                              • #45
                                Vous etes Algerien si........

                                Un peu caricaturale mais pleins de verites. Desole pour les non anglophone!!

                                1.You can't stand upstraight. You have to lean against something, whether it be a car or a wall.

                                2.You're not REALLY Arab. Your ancestors are a mixture of: Turkish,
                                Berber, Spanish, German, French, Arab, and in certain circumstances black.

                                3.Your job in America is never a liquor store or a 7 eleven, but rather a
                                coffee shop, or a restaurant.

                                4.You think you can speak Arabic but no one
                                that really speaks Arabic ever knows what the hell you're trying to say

                                5.You distinguish how "Algerian" someone is by listening to their accents
                                and the best part of Algeria is always where you're from, even if its not
                                the truth.

                                6.guys belly dance like women and women belly dance like crazy!

                       don't listen to Rai Music until you move to a foreign country

                                8.As soon as someone leaves, you start talking about them. Good or bad..

                                9.You're conversations are always about someone…you can never mind your own business.

                                10.You're really hungry for a peek at your next door neighbour's
                                tax returns.

                                11.Your refer to your dad's friends as 3amoo!

                                12.the guys only wear Adidas athletic wear

                                13.You hug and kiss relatives you have never seen before in your life.

                       love to say the word, "AYWAH!"for men and "eyeh ya lala" 4 women

                                15.Mohammad is moh, and if theres two, you distinguish them as Mohammad lakbeer and mohammad alsgheer

                       never call your friends unless it is for your interest.

                                17.your wife must cook three times a day and one plate of food is not considered a meal

                                18.You are always mistakened for being European, even if you're dark skinned.

                                19.helwa is candy, chaba is pretty, shadi is monkey, and rohe is go.

                       love to hang out at coffee shops and just talk about passers by.

                                21.You last name is most likely to begin when a Ben followed by the weirdest word anyone's ever heard.

                                22.if you're a female, you name is most likely to end with an A.

                                23.if you're from the capital, you've probably never seen the Sahara

                       can speak two or more languages

                                25.Everyone thinks you eat couscous everyday

                                26.Elegant eating is eating with only two fingers…

                                27.Every Algerian knows every family in the entire nation of Algeria, and
                                some how you always know a specific story about them and almost all the time it is a bad one

                                28.During a wedding, all the young single people are
                                checking each other out

                                29.we have funny names like QWEDER, and AL EID

                                30.When Algerian women get together, they all compete in "Who has got the
                                loudest voice?"

                                31.Algerians have an exclusive swearing vocabulary ranging from mleqta, ke lajreb, to jahsha, tha3leb.

                                32.Food is the most important part of your day

                                33. You love the beach…

                       are very outgoing and open to other cultures..

                       cry when you watch The Battle of Algiers

                                36. couscous to algerians is not like rice to asians, that would be bread.

                                37. shawarma sandwiches are the new fashion

                                38. When it comes to Islam, it's either represent or die.

                                39. you have too much pride to take something for free.

                                40. old grandma's go to the masjid to find their sons wives.

                                41. school is not cool but you do well anyway.

                                42. . You are judgemental about every ethnic group except for yours.

                                43. Your're probably the most hardheaded out of all other Arabs.

                                44. You respect your parents no matter what.

                                45. Your parents are most likely to be educated even if they don't have a
                                >professional job.

                                46. you can't accept the fact to let your wife work.(the guys)

                                47. Algerian guys are mistakened for italians in many cases.

                                48. You've never seen a camel, unless it was outside of Algeria.

                                49. Qole (say) is pronounced Qole, gole, ole, depending where your from.

                                50. girls are taught to lower their voices.

                                51. Girls do all the house cleaning and boys do whatever's out of the house.

                                52. You even Algerianized the English language. i.e "rohe hateha in the kitchen" "movee al car" "tryeeya"

                                53. people always mistaken where you're from for Nigeria or Albania..

                                54. You can't live without visiting Algeria...and would die to go back...

